I have now made my first post as one of the Scrap Yourself designers. I am very proud of working with the fabulous scrappers on the team.
I asked people around me how they see me, luckily it was pretty much the same as I see myself, so my very first Scrap Yourself layout is my ABC, as I find it a good way of introducing myself.

Journaling: Arbejdsom = Hardworking, Beskeden = Modest, Claus's mor = Claus´s mother, Dynamisk = Dynamic, Egenrådig = Obstinate, Følsom = Sensitive, Godmodig = Good-natured, Humoristisk = Humerous, Internetafhængig = Addicted to the internet, Jannies's mor = Jannie's mother, Kærlig = Loving, Loyal = Loyal, Munter = Cheerful, Naturlig = Natural, Omsorgsfuld = Considerate, Pålidelig = Reliable, Quinde = Woman, Rolig = Calm, Skytte = Sagittarius, Tænksom = Thoughtful, Utålmodig = Impatient, Venlig = Kind, Xeptionel = Ekseptionel, Ydmyg = Humble, Zulu-seer = Watching a TV-program called Zulu, Ærlig = Honest, Økonomisk = Economic, Åben = Open minded.
Why not jump over at Scrap Yourself and check out the amazing layouts, there is tons of inspiration if you want to scrap yourself or maybe want to create a Book of me.
Love your vibrant page and the journalling is such fun. Have a wonderful day. Hugs Anesha