fredag den 24. februar 2012

LCTS.... Reveal day.... and some GREAT news....

First of all I have some GREAT news to share with you :-D Today our daughter gave birth to the most wonderful little girl. We are SO excited and happy and I can assure you that you will see a lot of layout with photos of her in the future..... LOL

Now on to the next Lets Capture These Sketches reveal.

Today this very versatile sketch is available and the LCTS DT has done another great job, you should try to check it out ;-)

Here is my take on the sketch.

The English title is "A happy dog"

I created another page with our wonderful Caesar. I used some oooold Crate papers, I love using up some of my old stuff.

This was all for now.

I wish you all a happy weekend :-D

lørdag den 11. februar 2012

In your Mom's belly/I din mors mave

I used the latest sketch from Let's Capturing These Sketches for a layout with my lovely pregnant daughter, she is expecting her first baby in a week or two so we are all SO very excited to welcome a wonderful little baby girl :-D

Of course I am going to make albums for my very first little grandchild, I already made two layouts from the scans and this one is the third for her first album :-D

Without further ado I here present the sketch I used.

The sketch is created by Natalie Roy. If you want to play along head over to Let's Capture These Sketches for further information.

Have a GREAT weekend everyone :-D

søndag den 5. februar 2012

Crafty Sketches... Walking over Tower Bridge....

Right now it is freezing 14C in Denmark, so it is terribly cold - perfect weather for sitting indoors scrapping :-D

Over at Crafty Sketches the February sketch is revealed and I made this layout from London.

We took a stroll over Tower Bridge and we went in the middle of the roadway as the bridge was closed to vehicular traffic because there were a filming going on on the Thames.

A yo-yo flower

Here is the sketch

This was all for now.


onsdag den 1. februar 2012

SWAT - På tur til Lübeck/A Trip to Lübeck....

The February sketch from Sketches With A Twist is now revealed.

This months twist is
You must use something Green on your Layout or Card

I had some photos from a trip to Lübeck in Germany in 2009 which I thought went well with the sketch, so I ended up creating this layout.

In Lübeck there are many small beautiful alleys

The papers are left overs from a class I had with Celine Navarro on a Danish Scrapbooking Convention. They are from the old BG Wander series. I think the series are perfect for travel layouts.

A couple of handmade flowers

Right now it is very exciting who is going to be the January winner over at SWAT. If you want the chance of winning the February price from our generous sponsor you just have to send in your take on the sketch.

Can't wait to see what you come up with :-D